How to Go Mad Without Losing Your Mind: Madness and Black Radical Creativity (Video)

This video from the Barnard Center of the Research on Women features La Marr Jurelle Bruce speaking about his book, How to Go Mad Without Losing Your Mind: Madness and Black Radical Creativity. From the book description:

Bruce theorizes four overlapping meanings of madness: the lived experience of an unruly mind, the psychiatric category of serious mental illness, the emotional state also known as “rage,” and any drastic deviation from psychosocial norms.

In this video, La Marr Jurelle Bruce and Farah Jasmine Griffin discuss Mad and Black identity, art, and activism, which they connect to the legacies of (resistance to) slavery and colonization.

Content note: discusses anti-black racism, including slavery and sexual violence.

Webinar: An Overview of Positive Change and Post-traumatic Growth Following an Episode of Psychosis

Here is a free recorded webinar from the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network discussing ways in which people may change in positive ways after experiencing psychosis. The webinar also discusses other, non-medical ways of understanding experiences like voices and visions and touches on the Hearing Voices Movement, as well as the psychiatric survivor movement. The presenters emphasize the diversity of experiences and the importance of making space for positive as well as negative feelings about them.

Mental Health Matters – Hearing Voices video pick

In honor of mental health week, here’s another hearing voices video pick. This video is one of the one’s we’ve discussed in the Hearing Voices Network Study Club.

Hearing voices can be a scary thing, but did you know it can also provide comfort to some? In this video, from peerstv, host Shannon Eliot chats with Adrian Bernard about the concept of hearing voices – the good, the bad, and what most people don’t know.

Video Pick: Eleanor Longden TED Talk

Hi all,

We thought we’d start featuring video picks related to the international hearing voices network. Below, you’ll find a TED Talk featuring voice hearer Eleanor Longden. It’s a video we have discussed at our local Hearing Voices Network Study Club. Check out the Vancouver Groups section of this webpage for information on the Study Club. Eleanor is living proof of something many of us have learned through our own experience: that although voices can be difficult for some of us, we can still move forward, experience success and live well. Enjoy 🙂